Presentation of the college
In our school we work to develop the skills and abilities of our students, increasing their confidence and their possibilities. Our school also strives for the integration of students with special educational needs. In this sense we have an Orientation Department with a psychologist, two teachers of Special Education and one psych pedagogue.
Every academic year our school chooses a topic the students have worked throughout the year and now they develop it. We call it “Cultural Week” and in recent years it to some interesting topics such as Don Quijote, European countries, the football World Cup and Platero and me.
Other activities are related to the European educational aspects. Our school recognizes European importance of enhancing in our students the European citizenship notion. We have participated a few Comenius projects with countries such as Belgium, Germany, Czech Rep., England, Turkey, Poland... And now we get involved in this new Erasmus + Project to learn, share experiences and be mutually enriched.
Our Shool
Our school´s name is Ntra. Sra. del Carmen. Currently we can say that our school is located in a medium-low socio-economic area. Our province is mainly agricultural. Our town has about 10.000 inhabitants. It is between two big cities: Huelva and Seville and it is closed to the coast and the Doñana Natural Resource Park.
We are a semi-public school run by nuns although the teachers are all secular. We teach children from three years to sixteen. We also have about 29 students with special educational needs and some migrant children.
Due to the lack of economic resources among most of our students´ families, they don’t have the opportunity to know other cultures and this project would give them this opportunity. They can learn other cultures and use other languages, as a means of communication. The children have little opportunity to participate in any extra classes due to both their economic and home situation.
Our pedagogy is based on Christian values and inspired by St. Joaquina de Vedruna. She supported that all education should be involved in love in order to achieve an individual development that become children into a better Christians.
In our school we work to develop the skills and abilities of our students, increasing their confidence and their possibilities. Our school also strives for the integration of students with special educational needs. In this sense we have an Orientation Department with a psychologist, two teachers of Special Education and one psych pedagogue.